Our Philosophy

Spring Piano Recital 2014 Making music brings so much enjoyment to students and their families! Music should be fun, but in order to be fun students need to work at it.  Students should plan on practicing 5 times a week for at least 20 minutes, while more advanced students should (and will want to) practice longer.

The goal should be to get to the piano everyday.  This includes warming up, practicing repertoire, and completing theory assignments. It is important that practice sessions be in a quiet room with little distraction (i.e. not while the TV is on).  The room should be well lit, and the piano must be in good condition and well maintained (tuned once a year).  All students should have a CD player (or computer/iPod) near their piano, as well as a metronome or metronome app.

Students will study repertoire from classical to jazz, religious music if you choose, holiday music, folk tunes, patriotic songs, as well as popular music and duets.  During the lesson, students may re-enforce concepts and skills learned by using flashcards, computer software, mp3s and games.  Music theory, and music history/appreciation will be included in lessons. Many students use iPads at home to link to the teacher via the Piano Maestro App (highly encouraged). There are several performance opportunities throughout the year, both formal and informal.  Participation in performances is encouraged, but always optional.  Our big year-end recital is held each May. Our goal is to provide a well-rounded music education so that students will have a lifetime of musical enjoyment.

– Photo courtesy of Stuart Monk

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